What do lifting and health do for genetics and offspring?

Regular lifting and exercise can have a positive impact on your genetics and potentially improve the health of your offspring.
When you engage in regular strength training, your body responds by building muscle mass and bone density. These changes are mediated by gene expression, which can be altered by exercise. Research suggests that exercise-induced gene expression changes can lead to better overall health, reduced risk of chronic disease, and increased longevity.
In terms of offspring, a growing body of evidence suggests that exercise and a healthy lifestyle in parents can influence the health of their children. For example, one study found that fathers who exercised regularly before conception had offspring with better metabolic health, including lower body fat and improved glucose tolerance. Similarly, maternal exercise during pregnancy has been associated with a lower risk of obesity and metabolic disease in offspring.
Overall, lifting and exercise can have positive effects on your own health and potentially improve the health of your offspring through changes in gene expression and other mechanisms.


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